Tổng hợp bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 8.0 bởi Cô Lan Anh

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Chào các em, các bài mẫu IELTS Writing là một trong những tài liệu học vô cùng hữu ích dành cho các bạn đang luyện thi IELTS. Học IELTS Writing qua các bài viết tham khảo là một cách học hiệu quả, cho phép người học làm quen với cấu trúc bài luận, học cấu trúc câu và từ vựng với ngữ cảnh cụ thể. Dưới đây cô sẽ giới thiệu cách bài luận do cô viết, đã được chấm với cựu giám khảo IELTS. Các em lưu lại bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 8 dưới đây để tham khảo nhé.

Bài viết số 1

Countries should try to produce all the food for the population and import as little food as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is commonly thought that all food for the general public should be produced domestically and imports of food should be discouraged. I tend to agree with this opinion as food self-sufficiency plays a crucial role in the country’s security, economy and environment.

To begin with, an adequate domestic supply of food is of paramount importance to any country’s security. Heavy dependence on foreign staples could lead to acute deficiency in cases of political conflicts, natural disasters or widespread diseases. For instance, during the Covid-19 pandemic, when borders, travel and trade are restricted, imported goods have almost disappeared in many countries. A country which is reliant on imported food products could suffer from surging prices, social unrest or even starvation.

Secondly, national economies would gain enormous benefits from attempting to produce all their food domestically. More jobs and business opportunities could be created in the wake of investments in agricultural projects as well as the food industry. Take for example large-scale farms belonging to the TH milk company in Central Vietnam, which employ a lot of local people and purchase local produce to feed their herds, both of which have had positive impacts on the regional economy.

Finally, a decrease in food imports is also advantageous to the environment. This is because food can be bought locally and transport of food is significantly reduced, meaning less exhaust fumes are emitted into the atmosphere. As a result, the most pressing environmental problems such as air pollution, could be greatly improved.

In conclusion, I believe that countries should limit food importation and encourage domestic production due to benefits around food security, the economy and climate change. Therefore, the government should set clear limits and targets for imports and domestic production respectively. (289 words) 

Bài viết số 2

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters (such as food, clothes and entertainment) is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Other people believe that it is important for children to make decisions about matters that affect them.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People have different views about whether children should be given the privilege of making their own decisions. While giving them absolute freedom to make choices in daily life is likely to encourage selfishness, I tend to agree with the idea that independent decision-making is of paramount importance for adulthood.

A common criticism of giving children too much freedom is that they would become narrow-minded and self-centred. Allowing children to always choose the things they want and not have to follow the advice of others may lead them to be too independently minded. This character trait may be a hindrance in later life, in terms of cooperating with other people in a team and especially when leading an organisation. In these situations, listening to and considering the ideas and opinions of others is of great importance. Take, for example, a group presentation in which a team has to work together, meaning a lot of decisions have to be made. Each group member will have to point out the pros and cons of their own ideas and learn to be tolerant and accept other viewpoints at the same time.

However, the possibility of becoming uncooperative does not necessarily mean children’s rights to make decisions should be restricted. Firstly, overprotective parents, who always intervene and dictate every aspect of their children’s lives, would definitely create bad habits for children, making them dependent and even losing the ability to manage their own lives in the future. This is evidenced by the fact that in many fields employers wouldn’t hire an employee who cannot think for themself and use their own initiative. Secondly, effective decision-making skill, which is difficult and involves various steps, such as evaluating situations, considering alternatives…needs prolonged, consistent practice over a long period to master. That is why giving children opportunities to make their own choices is so beneficial.

In conclusion, the advantages of encouraging independent decision making during childhood are more significant than the possibility of children growing up to be selfish. This includes effective team working skills and being tolerant of others’ opinions. Parents should therefore give up strict control over their children’s choices and play their part in guiding and advising children to make their own informed decisions. (370 words)

Bài viết số 3

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters (such as food, clothes and entertainment) is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Other people believe that it is important for children to make decisions about matters that affect them. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People have different views about whether children should be given the privilege of making their own decisions. While giving them absolute freedom to make choices in daily life is likely to encourage selfishness,  I tend to agree with the idea that independent decision-making is of paramount importance for adulthood.

A common criticism of giving children too much freedom is that they would become narrow-minded and self-centred. Allowing children to always choose the things they want and not have to follow the advice of others may lead them to be too independently minded. This character trait may be a hindrance in later life, in terms of cooperating with other people in a team and especially when leading an organisation. In these situations listening to and considering the ideas and opinions of others is of great importance. Take, for example, a group presentation in which a team has to work together,  meaning a lot of decisions have to be made. Each group member will have to point out the pros and cons of their own ideas and learn to be tolerant and accept other viewpoints at the same time.


However, the possibility of becoming uncooperative does not necessarily mean children’s rights to make decisions should be restricted. Firstly, overprotective parents, who always intervene and dictate every aspect of their children’s lives, would definitely create bad habits for children, making them dependent and even losing the ability to  manage their own lives in the future. This is evidenced by the fact that in many fields employers wouldn’t hire an employee who cannot think for themself and use their own initiative. Secondly, effective decision-making skill, which is difficult and involves various steps, such as evaluating situations, considering alternatives…needs prolonged, consistent practice over a long period to master. That is why giving children opportunities to make their own choices is so beneficial. 

In conclusion, the advantages of encouraging independent decision making during childhood are more significant than the possibility of children growing up to be selfish. This includes effective team working skills and being tolerant of others’ opinions. Parents should therefore give up strict control over their children’s choices and play their part in guiding and advising children to make their own informed decisions. (370 words) 

Bài viết số 4

bài mẫu IELTS Writing task 2

The diagram depicts the process of producing orange juice. Overall, orange juice is produced from fresh oranges with a large number of steps, involving three different factories. There are two phases of producing two different kinds of orange juice. The first, shorter and simpler method results in the production of fresh juice, while the longer, more complicated process leads to the manufacture of juice made from concentrate. Both products end up in supermarkets.

To begin with, fresh oranges are transported to the initial factory, where they are washed. Fresh juice is then extracted and any solid waste is made use of to produce animal food. One portion of the fresh juice is subsequently packaged in cartons and then sold in supermarkets locally with an inevitable short expiry date.

To produce orange juice with a longer expiry date, the remaining fresh juice is then transported in a refrigerated truck to a 2nd factory to undergo the process of evaporation. After all the water has been removed, the resulting product is known as concentrated juice. It is then canned in the subsequent step and stored in a warehouse for a period of time. Once the juice is required, it is transported to a final factory, where water is added and the final product is packaged to be sold in supermarkets.

Bài viết số 5

Most of the world’s problems are caused by overpopulation. Do you agree or disagree?

It is widely thought that the majority of the world’s issues stem from an overpopulated planet. However, I tend to disagree with this viewpoint as I believe that the recent population explosion merely exacerbates the inherent problems humans have endured for centuries.

 To begin with, many of the most serious difficulties facing people today, namely war, racism and poverty, have undeniably existed for a long period. During the course of history, greed and acquisitiveness have urged powerful nations to conquer and exploit, exerting their influence to take natural resources or gain economic benefits, thereby accumulating wealth for their own people. In addition, racism and poverty also date back to thousands of years ago, which can be evidenced by slavery by Western countries and countless historical accounts of the downtrodden people in dependent colonies.

Although overpopulation does not cause those problems, I believe it does exacerbate them. The uncontrollable population rise in many parts of the world, especially in developing countries, greatly contributes to the scarcity of food, fuel, drinking water and even living space. As a result, many people are driven to resort to violence towards each other to sustain their basic needs. In addition, the gap between the rich and poor has been widening due to the fact that families choose to raise too many children in traditional communities, but cannot provide a high standard of living for them and governments fail to invest in education and healthcare in order to allow these future generations to escape poverty. This situation is particularly acute in countries ravaged by war such as Yemen or Syria, where large numbers of refugees have fled into neighbouring countries and beyond, in search of sanctuary.

In conclusion, overpopulation is not to blame for many problems worldwide as human nature or lack of investment is the underlying cause. Nevertheless, population rise is a contributing factor so reducing the birth rate should be prioritised in many developing countries to deal with pressing social problems and improve citizens’ standard of living. (332 words) (Lan Anh)

Bài viết số 6

Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since computer technology can replace their functions. Do you agree or disagree?

It is widely thought that money allocated to supporting library services should be better spent as various technological devices can be an alternative to traditional libraries. I tend to agree with this idea as public libraries are less attractive in the eyes of the public and more subsidies should be given to digital books.

To begin with, an increasingly large number of book lovers are now finding themselves reliant on computer technology for reading. This can be evidenced by the fact that sales of e-readers such as Kindles, and reading applications on mobile phones and computers, are surging all over the world. Moreover, people who are too occupied with their work as well as household responsibilities, are turning to audiobooks as a convenient substitute since this innovation allows them to multitask and use their time more effectively. As a result, public libraries are sparsely attended although the membership fees are usually negligible.

Instead of wasting money on an obsolete service, public funds could be of more use when spent on measures to promote digital books. Library running expenses, which sometimes includes exorbitant costs to preserve hard copies, should be used to scan books and make them available to the mass population of internet users. In this way, reading would definitely be better promoted and more people would be motivated to look for books to expand their knowledge.

In conclusion, taxpayers’ money should not be spent on maintaining public libraries as computer technology can perfectly replace traditional ‘brick and mortar’ locations. Instead, innovative technologies, such as e-book readers or audiobooks should be more widely encouraged. In this way public libraries could become smaller and merely offer free access to computers to facilitate online reading for those without modern technology. (Lan Anh)

Bài viết số 7

Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is widely thought that governments should allocate more money to the railway system than roads. I tend to disagree as in my opinion there should be equal funding for those two traffic systems as they both have their own benefits.

To begin with, more money spent on upgrading the quality of the rail system would improve quality for passengers and benefit the environment. From a personal perspective, long train journeys would be less exhausting and frustrating if better services with state-of-the-art facilities and well-qualified staff were available. From an environmental perspective, with subsidies from the government, more passengers would be encouraged to turn to trains for travelling long distances, which means that there would be fewer private vehicles, thus reducing the amount of exhaust fumes emitted into the atmosphere. 

However, roads should also receive a similar level of investment to reduce congestion and accidents. A lot of traffic-related problems stem from poor transport systems, such as narrow roads and poor traffic lights and signs, which can lead to traffic jams and serious accidents. Therefore, if the quality of roads is enhanced in this way, these problems can be mitigated. Less congestion means less emissions so this is also a benefit for the environment. 

In conclusion, while allocating money to railways is beneficial in terms of improving the convenience of travelling long distances, I believe that an equal amount of money should also be allocated to improve the traffic flow and safety of roads. Perhaps more importantly, both of these steps would reduce emissions, thereby reducing the environmental impact of travel. (261 words). Lan Anh

Bài viết số 8

Band 7.5

Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects. Other people think that, in today’s world, subjects like Science and Technology are more important than History. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 

There are often heated debates on whether history or science and technology are more crucial. While learning history can give students a thorough perception of the world around them, I personally think that science and technology are of greater importance due to their practicality.

To begin with, people who place a special emphasis on teaching history at school point to the well-rounded understanding of many aspects of life that learners can acquire. They state the fact that history sheds light on how countries came into existence, details the developments of any county, along with analyses of  political and socio-economic factors that brought about  past events. With such knowledge, one can easily explain current affairs to historical celebrations. Take for example, by learning about hardships and sacrifices of people during the Vietnam Wars, I can understand the cultural importance of these anniversaries.

However, it can be argued that science and technology should be prioritised within the school curriculum because they are more practical. This is because these subjects equip students with not only theoretical knowledge but also hands-on skills, which can be applied to real world situations, improving people’s quality of life and work productivity in developing countries. A good example is the case of a 14-year-old William in an impoverished African country, who devised a windmill that could generate electricity to power his village’s irrigation, improving crop yields and villagers’ living conditions as a whole. 

In conclusion, although history gives students an insight into news and culture, science and technology should be paid more attention as they play a key role in improving people’s standard of living. I believe that this is especially true for disadvantaged countries where an improvement in technology could make a total difference to people’s lives so governments should invest more in improving teaching facilities for science and technology.

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